Die Mehrheit der Haustiere, die von unseren Groomern gesehen werden, interessiert sich nicht dafür, professionell gepflegt zu werden und ihre Frisuren mit fliegenden Farben anzupassen. However, some pets are not so willing, and the process of being bathed, having their body brushed or even touched by a groomer will make them aggressive, making the grooming impossible to attempt safely.
Trotz der Tatsache, dass aggressive reaktive Verhaltensweisen typischerweise auf Angst, anxiety oder beide zurückzuführen sind, und sicherlich nachvollziehbar sind, stellen sie eine Herausforderung dar, wenn ein Haustier eine Pflege braucht, die der Besitzer nicht in der Lage ist, zu erbringen. Because we are a medical facility, we are able to assist the groomer by fully sedating the pet in these situations, so that the grooming service can be done safely.
What Is Included in a Sedated Groom?
In our medical department, under the direct supervision of our veterinarian and surgery technicians, a pet is fully sedated for a grooming service. It uses the same anesthetic protocols we use for sedating a pet for a spay or neuter, mass removal, or other surgical procedure. Die Katze bleibt vollständig unbewusst und wird vom Medizinteam überwacht, während sie vom Pfleger versorgt wird. When the groomer is done, the pet will be kept under observation while the sedation effects wear off, and the owner will be contacted when the pet is ready to go home.
Welche Pflege ist inbegriffen?
A fully sedated, unconscious pet cannot be safely bathed or fully brushed because it will lie on its side, so the groom does not include a bath, a full brush out, or a breed-specific haircut. Complete shave, nail trim, and ear cleaning are all possible. Es ist möglich, dass bestimmte Hunderassen einen Haarschnitt oder eine Haarschnitt haben, der nicht so perfekt ist wie es wäre, wenn der Hund stand. For more details on what can be provided during a sedated groom, we recommend discussing your pet’s specific needs with our groomer.
Planung ist entscheidend.
In order to prepare for a sedated groom, our veterinarian evaluates the pet to determine the severity of the anxiety disorder and the need for sedation. Based on the pet’s current health status, we develop a sedation protocol. The sedation consultation will be scheduled as a regular appointment and costs the same as a regular examination. Die Konsultation ist von Bedeutung, da eine vollständige Sedierung eine medizinische Intervention ist und der Arzt entscheiden muss, ob es für das Tier sicher ist, eine Analgesie zu erhalten. A written estimate of the cost of the sedation procedure and grooming will be provided for your approval at the end of the consult. In bestimmten Situationen kann Blutarbeit erforderlich sein.
Planning the Grooming Once you accept the sedated groom estimate, you can schedule a grooming appointment in coordination with the medical department. When it comes to grooming and surgery schedules, our receptionist will help you choose the nearest available date.
Preparing Your Pet: Your pet needs to be fasted overnight and up to the time of the procedure before its sedated groom. In anderen Worten, es ist nur Wasser erlaubt, nach 8:00 Uhr am Abend der vorherigen Nacht. Do not feed your pet in the morning; Allow them only water. Es ist erforderlich, dass Ihr Tier fastet, um eine Sedation durchzuführen.
When you arrive for check-in on Grooming Day, our technician will talk to you about your pet’s sedation procedure and the estimate. You will also be asked to read and sign both the estimate and an anesthesia consent form. After that, your pet will be brought to the medical department, where it will stay until the sedation groom is finished and your pet is fully healed. When your pet is ready to go home, we will call you.
Understanding the Costs: A sedated groom can cost several hundred dollars because it includes three different services: (1) the initial consultation with the veterinarian, (2) the sedation procedure performed by the medical team, and (3) the fee for the grooming services provided by the groomer. The total cost can be quite unexpected depending on the size of the pet, the type of haircoat it has, and the time it takes to complete the grooming. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die beste Entscheidung für Ihr Tier und Ihre Bedürfnisse treffen, empfiehlt es sich, frühzeitig mit Ihrem Tierarzt und Ihrem Tierpfleger zu besprechen.
Avoiding a Sedated Groom Now that you have a better understanding of what is involved in a sedated groom, you may want to ask how you can help your pet better deal with stressful situations so you can avoid the need for sedation altogether. Hier sind einige Ideen und Vorschläge.
Starten Sie früh – Es ist unerlässlich
Dass Ihr Tier während seiner frühen Jahre mit einer Vielzahl neuer Situationen und Erfahrungen konfrontiert wird. Dies umfasst das Baden und Bürsten. In addition, it includes getting its head, body, feet, and ears gently touched and handled by you, your family members, and your pet-friendly friends every day. Take your pet out and take it to new places, like a veterinarian. Most of the time, expose your pet to professional grooming as soon as possible. If your pet is adopted later, pace new experiences in accordance with how well it responds.
Take your time and keep working on it, because being calm when others are handling it is a valuable behavior skill that will benefit your pet all throughout its life.
Socialize Your Pet—Learning to get along with unfamiliar people and pets is an additional crucial social skill that will be beneficial for both you and your pet. Being comfortable and confident with other people makes a pet happier and well-adjusted, and it lets you take your pet to new places and experiences without worrying about unwanted reactive behavior.
Die Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeit kann einige Zeit und Mühe erfordern, da nicht alle Tiere von Natur aus sozial sind. A great way to nurture appropriate interactions and confidence is to play in a supervised environment with other pets of similar size and age. Regular group walks to public areas are another good option if your pet is leash trained.
Finden Sie professionelle Unterstützung – Wenn Hausdesensibilisierungsmethoden nicht ausreichend sind, kann es entscheidend sein, eine Unterstützung von einem professionellen Verhaltensexperten zu erhalten. This will most likely involve more than one training session and things to do at home, but you will also get the advantage of a professional evaluation and customized training that is specifically designed to meet your pet’s behavioral needs. Pets can learn socialization skills through private sessions or small group classes with our pet behavior specialist.
Lebenskompetenzen sind wichtig: Unsere Tiere entwickeln sich ebenfalls mit zunehmendem Alter. Wenn ein Haustier älter wird, kann es zu einer allmählichen Verringerung seiner Sinne wie Hören, Sehen und körperlichen Stärke kommen, was zu erhöhter Furcht oder Angst führen kann, wenn das Tier in einem unbekannten Umfeld oder mit unbekannten Menschen ist. Regardless of your pet’s limitations, maintaining your pet’s socialization skills is crucial to help it deal with both old and new experiences. In order to keep your pet socially engaged in our human world, it is essential to engage it in daily activities and interactions.
Daily Home Brushing is Key—For pets with haircoats longer than 1/2-inch, daily brushing is an essential part of avoiding professional grooming, or at least minimizing the need for it. Cleaning your pet’s hair coat of dirt and debris and preventing tangles and matting is easier at home. In the long run, this will help you avoid having to get a professional brushing or, worst case scenario, complete shaving due to heavy matting that cannot be brushed through.
Your pet will also become used to and comfortable with being brushed and handled by home brushing, which will also promote a healthier haircoat and skin.
We hope you have gained a better understanding of what is involved in a sedated grooming procedure at our facility and why it is so important to us. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any further information about a sedated groom or general grooming.